The local church often serves as the center of life in Haitian villages, providing spiritual nourishment and critical social services. Imagine heading to your church service this Sunday, only to find no roof! The 2010 earthquake caused much foundational damage to the church building in Ganthier. Thank God for the generous support of His people. Stone of Help Ministry recently had the opportunity to partner with the church community in Ganthier to repair this vital facility.

SoHM provided support to local leaders and necessary resources to hire Haitian professionals to begin the rebuilding effort. Unsafe walls were torn down along with the roof panels, which would be reused on a kitchen facility constructed behind the church. In two days, the finishing touches were put on with the most beautiful red roof. The entire community was involved, both prayerfully and physically in the rebuilding effort. What a testimony to God’s goodness in causing people to come together prayerfully, practically, and financially, all for the sole purpose of having a place to gather in His Name.

Improvements to the church in Ganthier represents the growing spiritual health of the community. SoHM will continue partnering with local Christian leaders to impact communities via the gospel of Jesus Christ.