Stone of Help Haiti is pleased to announce that your loving support has enabled nearly sixty students the opportunity to attend class this school year.
As the summer season has just recently come to a close, September brought on the start of another school season here in the land of Haiti.
It is estimated that only 50% of Haitians attend school, and the average child will experience only about 4 years of classes in their lifetime. For those who are financially able to attend school, this is a most joyous time of the year. The Haitian children and youth seem to hunger for knowledge like that I have never seen before. However, for the many who will not be attending classes, the school season is one of sadness and deep disappointment.

Investing in primary and advanced Education is a high priority for Stone of Help Haiti.
Our vision is to see God’s children reach their full potential and become a positive asset in the communities where they reside.
A large part of this vision is to build schools in communities where the greatest needs exist. You can well imagine that this is quite a discerning task as the needs of the Haitian people are great in number virtually everywhere in this land.
The recipients we chose were from four of the eleven church communities where Stone of Help Haiti serves; Ganthier (Oust), Cite Soleil (Litho), Cite Soleil (Premiere Cite), and Martissant (PAP).
SOHH primarily serves eleven church communities in various locations throughout the land of Haiti and it is our hope that we can soon expand our Education vision to each and every one of them.

On behalf of Stone of Help Haiti, we ask that you prayerfully consider being a monthly donor to this ministry. Stone of Help Haiti is committed long-term to the visions of Christian Discipleship, Education, Health, and Nutrition in the beautiful land of Haiti.
You can be assured that all Stone of Help Haiti receives is truly used to make a godly difference in the lives of the Haitian people both for time and for eternity.