Sadly, the instability and overall misery index continues to rise throughout the entire country of Haiti. I recently returned from Haiti after, yet again, witnessing firsthand a country enduring an outright humanitarian crisis. My trip was cut a bit short because of escalating and deadly gang activity blocking and setting streets on fire. The police are helpless to clean up all this mess in any way as they are also a target for gangs who have much more weapons. Nevertheless, a policeman friend of mine risked getting me to the airport. He, and another policeman, along with me and my luggage, traveled to the airport on one small motorcycle. When we came upon the fiery roadblock, the gang leader, who was acquainted with these policemen, allowed us to pass through after clearing a small path in the burning branches and tires stretched across the road. I am truly thankful for God’s hand of protection in guiding us safely in all the surrounding chaos.
However, it is heartbreaking, to say the least, leaving behind the beautiful people of Haiti who are hardly as fortunate. Currently, well armed gangs rule the day throughout the country. This includes seizing control of the nation’s fuel as well as the seaports and roads. If there is gas to be found, it is being sold at up to $60us per gallon. Drinking water has become scarce as well as a confirmed resurgence of cholera in Cite Soleil where Stone of Help Haitiserves two of our network of twelve church communities.
Currently, there is no transportation of water, fuel, food and medical supplies from the main ports. Therefore, the basic needs of the communities as well as the equipping of health care facilities has come to a complete halt. Although extreme hardship affects everyone, as always, it is experienced much greater among those most vulnerable.
In response, Stone of Help Haiti is seeking to secure an abundance of much needed medical supplies and medicine. We are blessed to have a doctor, and faithful brother in Christ, that will routinely visit the church communities Stone of Help Haiti serves as safe travel allows.
Saints, after a while reporting on the plight of the Haitian people can often appear to sound rather routine. However, in my experience in Haiti dating back to the devastating earthquake of 2010, I have never witnessed this level of human suffering throughout the land.
I humbly ask that you prayerfully consider giving generously to Stone of Help Haiti as the physical needs of the people have never been greater. However, the fact remains that a person’s greatest need will always be the salvation of their soul. Please join me in praying that God’s gospel of grace might go forward with even greater boldness and that lives would be transformed unlike ever before.
God bless you and thank you for giving to Stone of Help Haiti as we, together, serve Haiti for the cause of Christ.
“Thus far the LORD has helped us.” – 1 Samuel 7:12
Humanitarian Crisis in Haiti